PR &
Frequently we hear that residents and members want to hear from their leaders more often. Clear, consistent communication with your community members builds trust and transparency, which are both key to successful governing. We have the experience to create every kind of communication:
Social media calendars
Press releases
News flashes
We also know that small organizations can’t afford full-time communications officers. Take a look at our pricing for sample packages and our sliding scale fees, which are based on the size of your organization.
Soliciting, gathering and interpreting feedback from your community is another vital component of building trust. We can design and execute a community engagement strategy for any project — big or small. Whether it’s a new building, a leadership change, or taking the temperature on a policy change, we know how to talk to stakeholders — and just as importantly, to listen to them.
Public listening sessions
Event planning
View our Community Feedback package
Planning and gathering necessary information before starting a project can be the difference between success and failure. Research, strategy, and planning are not places to cut corners when complying with government guidelines or creating a comprehensive plan for the future.
Government relations
Grant research and writing
Long-range vision
Strategy sessions with stakeholders of all kinds
Keeping up with the latest changes in policy or discussing it with your legislative representatives can take up a ton of time. We stay abreast of major policy discussions, and we see the big picture of how issues intersect with each other. You can subscribe to our newsletter and have these insights delivered to you monthly in your Inbox, or choose an issue for us to research and we’ll put together a customized report. Our Blog also addresses many current issues on a range of topics. Policy areas include:
Economic Development